This story has been told before but it seems appropriate for a brief re-telling in honour of Tillerman's Love and Sailing request.
Carol Anne had found herself right at home on a long lean racing sailboat after we had been cruisers for several years. And now Valentine's Day was approaching and what could I get to remember the date? Flowers? Roses or carnations or something? Chocolate candies? A greeting card? Dinner out? Jewelry?
Well, "Zorro" as we call him had another idea for just the right thing for me to get Carol Anne, and it wasn't any of the above.
So, I made a phone call to Ventura and got Carol Anne a boat. Soon, Carol Anne was driving out with friends to take possession, with me and Gerald following on a plane to help with the pick-up and shopping for gear.
note about the recent photo posts: if the photos below make it appear that the skippers had very odd ideas about mast bend and sail trim, that's an artifact of how cell phone picture-taking captures images digitally. With high winds, nearby boats passed quickly, challenging the scan rate of the camera.