Thursday, October 29, 2009

J/24 Oso

J/24 Oso glides in moderate breezes

Constellation and J/24s

After Saturday's Bristol Cup races

Mainsail in just a breath of wind, probably about 1 knot of breeze in the sail.

Through the window

Saturday morning we sailed directly from the mast-up storage lot near Marina del Sur to the race course. We got to the other boats ahead of some of the other boats and in plenty of time for the start.

After Saturday's Bristol Cup races we sailed a gentle mile to Rock Canyon Marina to put Carol Anne's Etchells in a slip for the night. Carol Anne got a ride five miles south to our truck and I got a ride with "Penzance" to the Big Food Express Restaurant, where the Rio Grande Sailing Club was having a dinner and club meeting. The meeting part was quite productive and decided several issues, including appointing committees to review the by-laws and to encourage membership growth. The club and board also voted to repair the lot truck (used to launch and retrieve boats from the mast-up storage ramp), to limit spending on the motorboat and look into selling it (and perhaps replacing it later with something more suitable), and to not order more t-shirts for the previous month's Sunrise Regatta. The club also dealt with the ongoing board and officer election, membership issues, and mast-up sailboat storage. A club member has volunteered a powerboat for use as an interim mark-set boat.

Sunday, October 25 at the Butte

Constellation eases by the fleet. Sunday's winds were light, averaging about 2 knots. On the Beaufort wind scale, which grades wind forces from 0 for nothing to 10 for a hurricane, that would be a Force 1. Sometimes the breeze faded away to the barely discernible, and sometimes it freshened a bit to 3 or 4 knots, but mostly it made for a mellow day on the water.

Constellation in front of committee boat, the J/24 Hot Flash.

Committee boat; J/24 reflections

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Main Boat Ramp at Elephant Butte Lake State Park

Hor Flash and Oso on the boat ramp. This is the largest boat ramp at Elephant Butte Lake and can handle large numbers of boats, and accommodate big swings in lake level.

After Sunday's racing ended, Carol Anne and I sailed in light breezes (averaging about 2 knots) to the Rock Canyon Marina. As we neared the marina, I took down the jib and took the helm; upon arrival I dropped her off at the fuel pier so she could catch a ride to fetch our truck and prepare to remove Black Magic from the water at the end of the weekend.

The mast-up storage yard is near one marina, Marina del Sur, which is about two to three miles from the race area. Rock Canyon Marina is closer to the race area, so we often put our boat in at Rock Canyon during race weekends. However, it's a five-mile drive between marinas, so this involves quite a procedure of shuttling boats and vehicles.

Sailing south from Rock Canyon it's about three or more miles to Marina del Sur, plus tacking. The breeze was adequate until I approached Rattlesnake Island, where it began to switch, fade, and become intermittent. The last mile took close to an hour. At least the lack of wind meant that getting the motorless boat on the trailer was relatively easy.

Friday evening view at Elephant Butte Lake

We arrived at Elephant Butte Lake late on last Friday afternoon, in time to visit with "Carguy" at the mast-up storage lot and do a bit of work on "Black Magic". In the distance, I could see the last glow of sunshine lighting up the mountaintops to the east of the lake.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bristol Cup Regatta, weekend of October 24, 2009

Fleet panorama; in the distant left can be made out Constellation (under chute) and Black Magic; in center is the Freedom 21 Free and Clear IV, and at right are the J/24s White Vang and Kachina. Not shown in this view are the J/24 Oso , the Etchells Caliente (which sailed on Saturday), and boats from the cruising fleet, which hadn't yet started their race.

Etchells USA 38, Constellation under spinnaker in light breezes.

Etchells Caliente with "Penzance" and "Car Guy" on board.

Etcehlls Black Magic under chute -- and it's time to shake out that twist!

Freedom 21 Free and Clear IV.

Rio Grande Sailing Club Charter from 1972

RGSC Charter, dated as Revised Draft: 24 April 1972:



The name of this organization shall be the RIO GRANDE SAILING CLUB, hereinafter referred to as the “Club”.


The purpose of this Club shall be to further sailboat cruising and racing and to stimulate a greater interest in sailing among the citizens of this area: to provide a medium for the exchange of sailing knowledge and information: to provide, through purchase or lease, property for Club uses; and to encourage the development of more adequate boat storage and dock facilities.


SECTION 1. Membership in the club shall be open, subject to the restrictions outlined in the Constitution, to persons of good character, who are interested in sailing. Regular members shall pay such dues as may be determined by the Club. Dependent members shall be individuals in the immediate family of a Regular Member. Dependent members shall have all rights and privileges of Regular members except that they may not be elected to office, may not vote or place motions before the membership and do not pay dues.

SECTION 2. Membership in the club may be terminated by (a) delinquency of dues, (b) three-fourths majority vote of members of the present members at a Regular or Special meeting for any reason, (c) resignation submitted in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer. Upon termination of a regular membership, any Dependent memberships of the member’s family are also terminated.


SECTION 1. The elective officers of the Club shall be Commodore, Vice-Commodore and Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION 2. The Commodore shall preside at all Regular and Special Meetings of the Club, shall appoint Committees and their chairman, and shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors, shall appoint an audit committee—the results of which shall be presented to the membership at the next annual meeting.


SECTION 1. The Annual Meeting of the members of the Club shall be held during the month of January.

SECTION 2. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held semi-annually.

SECTION 3. Special meetings of the Club may be called by the Commodore of 10 percent of the regular members of the club.

SECTION 4. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Commodore or any three members of the Board.

SECTION 5. The Commodore shall determine, within the limits established by this Constitution, the exact time and place for all meetings of the Board of Directors, and for all meetings of the membership except such special meetings as may be called by the Club members under provisions of Article VI, Section 3, of the Constitution. At least 30 days advance written notice shall be given to regular members for any meeting of members. At least 10 days shall be given to members of the Board of Directors of any Board meeting.


Officers of the Club shall be elected by mail prior to the Annual Meeting. Their term of office shall be one year beginning upon adjournment of the Annual Meeting.


Each Regional Fleet Captain shall, prior to the Annual Meeting, appoint three members of his Fleet to serve on the Club Nominating Committee, who will jointly nominate at least two members for each office. The Office of Commodore of the RGSC shall be held by a member who lives north of the east-west line that runs through the Elephant Butte Dam, on even-numbered years, and south of this line on odd-numbered years. The Vice-Commodore shall come from the opposite area.


Except as specified elsewhere in this Constitution, vacancy in any elective position shall be filled by majority vote at the next meeting of members. A vacancy may occur due to loss of membership or through removal from office by a two-thirds vote of regular members present at a meeting of Club members.


Each regular membership is entitled to one vote. Unless otherwise specified in this Constitution, a majority vote of regular members present shall be required for passage of any motion. The Commodore may vote only in the event of a tie vote. Dated and signed proxy votes shall be permitted.


A quorum shall be required for the legal transaction of business by the Club or its Board of Directors. At a meeting of the Club members, a quorum shall consist of 20 percent of the regular members of the Club. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, four Board members shall constitute a quorum.


SECTION 1. Membership dues shall be determined each year at the Annual Meeting and shall be due at the time of the Annual Meeting, and shall become delinquent on March 1. A life time initiation fee of $10.00 will be assessed each member.

SECTION 2. No assessment may be levied against the membership unless approved by a two-thirds of the membership of the Club.


SECTION 1. The Board of Directors, through the Secretary-Treasurer, shall submit to the members at their Annual Meeting a proposed budget covering the total anticipate d expenditures of the new year. This budget shall be considered and approved with or without revisions. It may be reviewed and is subject to change at any Regular or Special Meeting of members of the Club thereafter. The officers and/or the Board of Directors and/or any paid employee of the Club shall not obligate the Club in excess of the approved budget or otherwise than according to the approved budget—except that incidental non-budgeted expenses not to exceed $100.00 may be authorized to meet unplanned obligations of the Club.

SECTION 2. Expenses of race activities and capital expenses of race equipment shall not be a line item expense of the club budget.

SECTION 3. Fleet operating expenses will be derived from RGSC dues. One-third of the dues collected from each member shall be provided to his Regional Fleet for operating revenue.


In matters not covered by this Constitution, Roberts Rules of Order shall serve as the parliamentary authority.


The Board of Directors may charter Regional Fleets (consisting of a minimum of 10 members) to serve (1) residents of a particular geographical area in which no fleet exists, or (2) a group of members with a particular unique interest.

Regional Fleets will prepare their own Constitutions and By-laws, and be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the Club. There will be at least one elected senior official of a Regional Fleet who will hold the title of Fleet Captain.


This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths majority of regular members at any meeting of the Club providing a notice of the proposed amendment or amendments hall have been mailed to each regular member along with the notice of the meeting at which the amendment or amendments are to be considered.


Non members will be permitted to participate in racing activities only when sponsored by a Club member in good standing who shall be responsible for the conduct of the visitor. Members in good standing of other NAYRU recognized organizations may participate in race activities.


State of New Mexico Certificate of Filing
United States of America
State of New Mexico

It Is Hereby Certified that there was filed for record in the office of the State Corporation Commission of the State of New Mexico on the = = = = = = 17th = = = = day of = = = = August, 1960 = = = = Certificate of Incorporation of New Mexico Yacht Club (43,354)
Articles of Incorporation of the New Mexico Yacht Club (Non-profit)


1. That the name of this corporation shall be New Mexico Yacht Club

2. That the location of the office of said corporation shall be in the city of Truth or Consequences, Sierra County, New Mexico.

3. That the term for which the corporation shall exist shall be until
December 1, 1990.

4. That the objects and purposes for which the corporation is formed, are:
to bring together those persons who are interested in sailing, cruising and other water sports; to hold, stage and conduct regattas, water sport contests of all kinds, and other types of entertainment related thereto; to build, own and operate a clubhouse; to instruct and educate those interested in the sport of sailing, cruising and other water sports; to further and promote fellowship and sportsmanship; and to instruct and educate its members in all phases of safety in the conduct of the sport…..

Russell D. Brewington, 2849 Quay Loop, Holloman A.F.B .
James R. Roy, 3112 Cagua Dr. N. E., Albuquerque, New Mexico
Glen G. Milford, 515 Main St., Truth or Consequences, NewMex.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fast moving wet kitty -- A Hobie Cat at the Butte

Hobie panorama

Hobie (TM) ahead

Impressionistic view of Hobie catamaran with Etchells Caliente behind in the distance

Wet kitties

Panorama showing the Hobie (TM) fleet fall gathering near Rattlesnake Island at Elephant Butte Lake.

Cats on the beach

Yellow boat

Caliente at Elephant Butte Lake

Caliente is an International Etchells sloop that is one of several Etchells at Elephant Butte Lake in southern New Mexico.

Caliente in front of Kettletop Mesa at Elephant Butte Lake.

Close-up views of Caliente and "Car Guy"

Constellation under spinnaker, Sunday at the Butte

Panorama at Elephant Butte Lake showing the Etchells Constellation under spinnaker.

Sloop and mountains of the desert sea.

Portrait of Constellation, with Rattlesnake Island and the Elephant Butte in the background

Constellation approaching under chute

International Etchells Constellation in front of Kettletop Mesa at Elephant Butte Lake

Constellation with desert mountains to the east

Constellation moving north toward Long Point and Rock Canyon.