After Saturday's Bristol Cup races
Saturday morning we sailed directly from the mast-up storage lot near Marina del Sur to the race course. We got to the other boats ahead of some of the other boats and in plenty of time for the start.
After Saturday's Bristol Cup races we sailed a gentle mile to Rock Canyon Marina to put Carol Anne's Etchells in a slip for the night. Carol Anne got a ride five miles south to our truck and I got a ride with "Penzance" to the Big Food Express Restaurant, where the Rio Grande Sailing Club was having a dinner and club meeting. The meeting part was quite productive and decided several issues, including appointing committees to review the by-laws and to encourage membership growth. The club and board also voted to repair the lot truck (used to launch and retrieve boats from the mast-up storage ramp), to limit spending on the motorboat and look into selling it (and perhaps replacing it later with something more suitable), and to not order more t-shirts for the previous month's Sunrise Regatta. The club also dealt with the ongoing board and officer election, membership issues, and mast-up sailboat storage. A club member has volunteered a powerboat for use as an interim mark-set boat.
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