Friday, March 06, 2009

The roaring ocean waves of the desert sea

After the President's Day excitement of the broken tiller and our subsequent safe arrival at the boat ramp, "Cornhusker", Carol Anne, and I retrieved Black Magic and put the Etchells away in her mast-up space before driving north to the Rock Canyon Marina. There we noticed that the waves were still breaking on the beach, with a fair number of whitecaps still out on the lake. It's not all that often that we get much in the waves on this lake, but it happens every now and then. It's also unusual for whitecapping to last ofr more than a few hours. But, this afternoon, the "sheep were in the meadow" for the duration. And yes, the photo doesn't really capture the dynamic activity, or show the occasional blowing sand we experienced, or give a feel for the rocking of the marina.



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