Friday, February 06, 2009

Kilo Whiskey, April 24, 2004, Anniversary Cup

Another bit of a visit down memory lane: The MacGregor 26x Kilo Whiskey catches a big puff at Elephant Butte Lake. "Ross" was near the finish line for the Anniversary Cup race on April 24, 2004, in a protected cove near the Dam Site Marina at Elephant Butte Lake when the puff caught him. When it's breezy, the area near the "Elephant" can experience strange wind swirls, downdrafts, reversals, and eddies. Kilo Whiskey covered a lot of territory, being towed to southern California and the Pacific northwest, even being part of a solo circumnavigation of Vancouver Island. "Ross" sold the boat about a year or so ago and replaced it with a twenty-eight-foot Hunter; the Mac is now somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

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