Race Committee Equipment Inventory
On Sunday, I took inventory of race committee supplies. Some items have disappeared or been used up in the past year, so we need to make a shopping list.
What the club has:
2 24" inflatable spheres, white and orange
1 16" inflatable orange sphere
4 inflatable marks -- probably all are yellow tetrahedrons around 36"
1 set signal flags
flags of staffs for starting two classes and orange flag on staff to mark committee boat end of line
two stop watches
1 horn with depleted cylinder
course marker board
Shopping list:
Basic Race Management training class in February or March of 2008
Club insurance to cover borrowed boats
protest room available for major regattas
mark set motorboat and other support boats available for major regattas
docking agreement/marina slips arrangement for support and borrowed boats during major regattas
12 volt inflator(s) for use on a mark boat, manual back-up
additional inflatable marks, different in shape and color from existing ones.
additional rodes and anchors for marks,
4 hand-held VHF radios, re charging stations, 2 GPS for mark set boats
two additional sets of signal flags (for use on mark set or finish boats), r.c. signal, support, mark, and judge flags
one set of large race signal flags (subset of signal flags) for use on signal boat and ashore
additional air horns, back up with pump-air horns or mouth-blow fog horns, whistles
shareware software for scoring
markers for course marker board, large magnetic numbers and letters, large magnetic board
large race information board for use ashore
rail or gunwale-mountable wind indicator/line sighting vane(s)
First aid and emergency signal kits for r.c. boats, rescue kits for safety boats
fendering and grab rail set up for transfer boat
Racing Rules of Sailing 2005-2008, 4 copies
Join the Race Committee Team, 8 copies
Safety, Rescue, and Support, 3 copies
Race Management Handbook, Judges Manual, ISAF Casebook, Understanding the Racing Rules, " " DVD, 1 copy each
racing forms, paperwork meeting current requirements, updated Notices of Race, Sailing Instructions, registration forms, venue guide, protest forms, race results forms, recording forms, Championship Conditions, local charts or guide maps with depth updates, pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, non-marking tape, light line
For major regattas:
box lunches, beverages, and snacks for r.c. volunteers on the water
shelter (tents, canopies) where needed for on-shore events
parking, trailer parking, and launch assistance
food, beverages, condiments, supplies, tool, fuel, cookers, volunteers for cookouts, picnics, or luau
t-shirts, goody bags, door prizes, trophies, ribbons/medals, awards
fuel for support boats, dockage/slips
flyers for mail-out and posting
web site support, updates
liaison for press, photography, publicity
support for families of competitors and volunteers, spectator boats, activities, games, local info
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