Constellation returns after the thunderstorm that struck boats in the Jack and Jill Race at Elephant Butte Lake. The Etchells sails back with her damaged mainsail lowered after things got a bit wild during the race -- which had started with three hours of nearly no wind.

Earlier, I'd been singlehanding another Etchells, Carol Anne's "Black Magic" (Etchells USA 125) and generally struggling with minimal to no win. That change. Time fast-forwarded as a thunderstorm approached and then ripped part of the mainsail on Black Magic. Nor was she the only boat with damaged sails or rigging.

View from the patio of the Rock Canyon Marina at Elephant Butte Lake on September 10, 2011. In background, USA 38 Constellation returns from the race after a dramatic encounter with a thunderstorm.
No data offered on wind strength (in knots)?
Zorro estimates that the gusts that knocked the boat down and ripped the mainsail were around 50. We had the boat set up for light air, and the squall descended so suddenly that we didn't have time to tighten the shrouds.
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