Scenic Fort Worth Boat Club
Visiting other yacht and sailing clubs is an admittedly rather specialized form of tourism. But, I particularly enjoy these visits because they richly illustrate some of the diversity, beauty, and passion that sailors have for sailing and their ingenuity in adapting their hobby to widely varying local circumstances. Sailing clubs vary greatly, with one to fit just about every sailor's preferences and needs.
This past weekend we had the opportunity to visit the Fort Worth Boat Club for the first time. Carol Anne and I attended an Advanced Race Management Seminar, which I needed in order to maintain my race officer certification. It was also a chance to study the finer points of running sailboat races and renew old acquaintances and make new ones.
Although the Fort Worth Boat Club has a wonderful, scenic setting, it is the club's people that make it especially appealing. The members and staff gave off a very good, relaxed, comfortable, friendly vibe.
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