Through June 14, 2007
11 days racing,
11 days other sailing,
1 day motor sailing,
5 days on-water race committee,
1 day motoring,
4 days kayaking,
5 days in boat-related classes,
4 RGSC socials, 1 RGSC mtg., 5 NMSC mtgs.
23/165 days = 14% sailing;
33/165 days = 20% boating
2 credentials acquired in 2007:
boating safety instructor, National Assn. of State Boating Law Administrators
principal race officer (club-level PRO), US Sailing
1 boat (Sunfish dinghy) purchased
improvements and repairs underway on 2nd Etchells
Fleet Disposition
2 Etchells, USA 125 "Black Magic" and USA 438 "Intrepid"
. . . . USA 125 at Heron Lake Marina.
. . . . USA 438 to be brought to Elephant Butte from El Paso
1 MacGregor 26, "Syzygy".
. . . . In storage in Albuquerque; to be prepared for sale.
5 Sunfish
. . . . 3 at Heron Lake Marina, remainder to be launched
1 Snark
1 Classic Marine fiberglass rowboat
2 1-person kayaks
. . . . 1 at Heron Lake marina, other one to be brought down to marina
So far this week:
Coordinated with Zorro on USA 438 re-fairing and ordered VC 17 bottom paint
Returned gauge for exchange
Cut rough replacement rudder blades for Sunfish
Corresponded with potential sailing club members
Corresponded with Etchells class secretary and US co-chair, fleet members
Send draft of "Foghorn" newsletter for review
This weekend's projects:
Put new spin sheets on USA 125.
Complete sanding and finishing of replacement rudders for two Sunfish, install.
Launch remaining two Sunfish, work on Sunfish.
Work on marina; widen connecting walkway and begin work on gangway extension.
Work on bid quote for encased floats for marina.
Work on path and survey path for upper gangway stage.
Better get myself back out on the water.