Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Shroyer Center Inc. (SCI) newsletter April 2004, Laguna Vista, New Mexico, Rio Arriba County

Insert SCI banner artworkPresident’s Letter from Camille Belden

“I would like to thank the past Shroyer Center Board members, especially Gladys Ericksen and Lucy Henson for all their hard work and valuable assistance to the new board.
Our community continues to grow and new residents already are contributing in very valuable ways. Way to go! We always need help and encourage “old timers” and “newcomers” alike to follow her example. Your sponsorship of meals and other Shroyer Center activities would be greatly appreciated. You may contact any of the board members to assist!

The Shroyer Center is a “community center”. It is YOUR community center. There is a video exercise class at 8:00 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. There is exercise equipment, which has been donated by community members. There is also a library containing books, videos, games, etc. for your use. A call to a board member will give you access.
There will be Shroyer Center “improvement” activities going on this spring and summer. With the help of the Laguna Vista fire department, we will be improving the center water system.
We always need new ideas and welcome suggestions for activities and improvements at Shroyer Center. Contact any one of us with your ideas.”

Your generous donation of $20 to Shroyer Center will help preserve and operate your community center. Where does the money go? Propane and insurance are the two biggest expenses; both increased dramatically in 2003. Our old insurance provider quit the business; the few insurors that would quote us wanted double or triple the old premium. Of course, we appreciate everyone’s help and attendance at meals, Shroyer Center pen and cook-book purchases (great gifts!), and all of your support.

Financial summary from Jack Asbridge, Treasurer:

The SCI Account Balance on 1-1-04 was $2829.04. The only income since then has been two $20 donations (boy, we sure need more of those!!) and a $50 rebate of Franchise Tax (which we will not have to pay again in the future). Expenses have been $437.16 for propane, $150 for bulk mailing permit, and $44.22 miscellaneous. Current balance is $2287.66. We need some donations and fund raisers!!!

Expected expenses during the year will include $1361.66 for liability insurance (last year's rate), about three mailings for $640 (last years cost for three), propane in the fall, and miscellaneous, besides the water system repair and stove vent replacement. That will use up all of our current balance!!!

News from the Laguna Vista Fire Department

Fire season began early this year, so everyone is urged to exercise caution and practice fire-safe procedures. You are reminded that burn permits are required. Permits may be obtained from the Rio Arriba County Fire Marshal’s Office in Espanola, or the County offices in Tierra Amarilla. For information call (505) 747-6367.

The department responded to several “smoke spotted” calls and numerous “public assist” calls. Also we were requested by other departments to standby to assist as they responded to incidents of unknown severity.

The new 1800 gal. 4-w.d. water tanker has arrived and has been outfitted with accessory equipment. It is a welcome addition to our fleet of fire apparatus, and will be a great benefit also to surrounding departments for mutual aid. The new bunker gear purchased with FEMA grant money has arrived and been distributed. Older bunker gear has been re-assigned, so more members are now properly outfitted.

The annual election of officers was held in January, and all officers were re-elected.
Peter J. Tremko Chief
Rosemary O'Neill Ass’t Chief
Sam P. Bertram Capt. #1
Gary Heidlebaugh Capt. #2
Robert Henson Lieutenant
Frances Roehrig Secretary/Treasurer

Several members have taken refresher courses in Wildland Firefighting, First Responder, CPR, and AED (defibrillator) classes.

Last fall the BIA burned some of the slash piles created by the thinning project along the Jicarilla fence line. (This was one of the “smoke spotted” alarms we responded to they forgot to advise us.) It is expected they will resume burning the remaining slash piles in the near future. This project is a great benefit to Laguna Vista, as it creates a firebreak between the lightning-prone area above us and our private properties.

The Northern Rio Arriba Wildland/Urban Interface Corporation has assisted several homeowners in our area in clearing defensible space around their homes, using a 50/50 government grant. The grant pays 50% of the cost, and the homeowner pays 50%. Another 50/50 grant has been awarded to the Corporation for continuation of this project. Assistant Chief O’Neill has applications for anyone interested in participating in this project.

Please contact your Shroyer Center, Inc., board:
Camille Belden, President,
Pat Byrnes, Vice President,
Jack Asbridge, Treasurer,
Karen McInnis, Secretary,
Ray Raczek,
Abby Moulton,
Gladys Ericksen,
Lucy Henson,


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