Saturday, January 23, 2010

Merit/PHRF Spin Start, Friday Fracas Race Two

Bowman on Circuitous before the start of race two of the Friday Fracas (20100115 125440 Friday Fracas 037 M25 1111 Circuitous close bowman)

Circuitous, Merit 25 no. 111 heads up the lake after the start of the second race of the Friday Fracas at Lake Pleasant (20100115 125448 Friday Fracas 038 M25 1111 Circuitous)

The Merit 25 Sea Dreams circles into position for the start (20100115 125458 Friday Fracas 039 M25 67238 Sea Dreams close)

Sea Dreams, Merit 25 no. 67238 heads upwind at the start of the second race for the two Merit 25s, Merit 22, and J/24 (20100115 125524 Friday Fracas 041 M25 67238 Sea Dreams)

Bonne chance, Merit 22
(5534 Friday Fracas 042 M22 540 Bonne Chance)


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