Snipe Swipeout!

Southwestern sailing, New Mexico sailing, sailboats, Rio Grande Sailing Yacht Club, New Mexico Sailing Club, Arizona Yacht Club, sailboat racing, Elephant Butte Lake, sailors, sail, boat safety, past commodore, race management, club race officer, Etchells, s/v Black Magic, Santana 20, boating safety, Heron Lake, New Mexico, Shroyer Center, Laguna Vista Estates, Rio Arriba County, Albuquerque, Tempe Town Lake, Lake Pleasant
I'm tempted to snipe at the designer and owner of this boat for poor design and/or maintenance that could allow such a thing to happen, but that would be a horrible pun so I won't.
UGH... good thing they were on a lake with other boats around...otherwise it could have been much worse. Probably would blame both, as the design has to have some fault with it if a leaking tank makes the boat so unstable. The owner should take his lumps too—for not maintaining the boat properly.
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